Coc builder hall 6 base layout. It is responsible for half of your success and no matter how good you are at attacking. It defends really well against a lot of different attack strategies at bh6. Here are the best bh6 layout for your builder base 5 in clash of clans with in depth review why it works against all attacks.
The best builder hall 6. Check out builder hall 8 base designs here. Coc builder hall 9 base layout copy link.
Here you will find the latest and best base designs for builder hall 6 in clash of clans. You may also like. If your base gets constantly wrecked you wont be able to get into the higher trophy ranges.
Builder hall 6 base no. Bh6 base layouts builder base 6 designs find here the latest and freshest well working base designs for builder hall 6 in clash of clans. In this builder hall 9 layout builder hall is placed in the center of the base with the protection of 2 firecrackers hidden tesla roaster lava launcher giant cannon multi mortar guard post and air bombs by placing them around the builder hall.
So if we look at the placement of this coc trophy layout push traps they are kept in a way to push the opponent troops right under the crusher and make you save the trophies and win the versus battle. This is a builder hall 6 bh6 trophy anti giant anti baby dragon anti witch defense base 2019 designlayoutdefence. Obviously this clash of clans builder town hall 6 trophy base will not allow attacker to get any stars.
Base design matters a lot in versus battles. Clash of clans best builder hall 6 base bh6 base anti 3 star anti 2 star base town hall 6 th6 anti everything new builder hall 6 base 2017 builder hall 7 base is coming soon bh7 base. Clash of clans builder hall 6 base cocclash of clansbuilder hallcrusherbattle machinebuilder hall 6bh6builder hall 6 basebh6 baseanti 2 stardefense replaysbh6 base with proofbh6 base.
Since the last base was the first since the arrival of bh9 and it worked very well for the initial weeks players got smart with their choice and made their layouts stronger against the designs. Coc builder hall 9 base layout anti 3 stars coc builder hall 9 base good bh9 base. Above all else we should examine the design of the builder base.